Why do my parents think roblox is bad?

Why do my parents think roblox is bad?

Why do my parents think roblox is bad?

User-generated games could expose kids to inappropriate content. One of the main risks parents should know about Roblox are user-generated games, or "condo games," that feature adult content, such as simulated sex acts, graphic images, and inappropriate language.

  • 2023-09-20 00:03:07
Show all Q/A Info

How many parents think video games are bad?
In addition, 42% of parents with daily gamers reported that playing video games negatively impacted teens' moods, compared to 32% of parents whose teens played less frequently.
2024-02-20 23:01:53

Can i use my parents id for roblox voice chat?
You can use whatever ID you want to use. However, you won't be able to verify your face. When you apply for voice chat, you need to take a picture of a government ID and a selfie of your face. The system checks to make sure that the face on the ID matches the face in the selfie.
2024-01-03 06:05:30

Are parental controls bad?
Negative impact on the parent-child relationship
This is probably the biggest downside of setting up parental controls. Installing parental monitoring software on your child's computer or smartphone can make your child uncomfortable and annoyed by the feeling of being untrusted.
2023-10-13 05:10:01

Why is my roblox so bad?
Check your computer for any updates. If you have any system or graphics updates you haven't installed, this may cause Roblox to run poorly or lag occasionally. On Windows, open the start menu. Type "check for updates", then click the application to open Windows Update.
2023-04-12 03:43:51