Can you rejoin the darkwraith covenant?

Should i skip the covenant campaign?
Covenant campaign remains unfinished cause you don't need it and allows people who like questing to easily get renown progression after they hit 60 (which you can get renown 48 per covenant with threads leveling).
2024-02-09 06:16:40
How did the covenant lose?
The Covenant
The Covenant is a theocratic military alliance of alien races who serve as one of the main antagonists in the Halo science fiction series. › wiki › Covenant_(Halo)
Covenant (Halo) - Wikipedia
was soundly defeated in numerous raids led by SPARTAN John-117, including an attack on a grounded cruiser, the Truth and Reconciliation, successfully escaping with the captain of the Pillar of Autumn, Captain Jacob Keyes.
2023-11-15 23:31:49
Can you join every covenant dark souls?
You can only join one Covenant at a time - joining another will overwrite the current Covenant you are a member of.
2023-10-07 17:45:55
When to choose covenant?
When you have completed this story arc and have reached level 60 (the new max level in Shadowlands), you will be given the choice to align yourself with one of the four Covenants.
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