Can roblox kids chat?

Can roblox kids chat?

Can roblox kids chat?

Roblox doesn't specify a minimum age. Users of any age can create and join groups, chat, and interact with others.

  • 2024-03-20 14:15:54
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Is roblox voice chat over 13?
Eligible, age-verified, age 13+ users can opt-in to use this feature by visiting their Settings page. They will then be able to use chat with spatial voice in any Roblox experience that supports it.
2024-02-07 14:16:44

Do kids chat on roblox?
If your child is under 13, we make it extremely difficult for strangers on Roblox to contact them. You can further restrict your child's ability to chat with others on Roblox by doing the following: Click the gear icon to navigate to “Settings” Select the “Privacy” tab.
2024-01-17 18:40:19

Can i use my parents id for roblox voice chat?
You can use whatever ID you want to use. However, you won't be able to verify your face. When you apply for voice chat, you need to take a picture of a government ID and a selfie of your face. The system checks to make sure that the face on the ID matches the face in the selfie.
2024-01-03 06:05:30

What age can you use roblox voice chat?
Eligible, age-verified, age 13+ users will see a microphone icon next to the user name and above the avatar of other users that have voice chat enabled.
2023-05-08 15:56:16

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