Which bo2 ending is canon?

Which bo2 ending is canon?

Which bo2 ending is canon?

Two possible endings can occur: if Weasel is killed, the cycle repeats once again; if Weasel lives and the other three are killed, the cycle is broken, and he is finally freed of his punishment. The latter ending is canonical.

  • 2024-01-01 03:39:14
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Which dr2 ending is canon?
Ending S was the original canon ending before the release of Dead Rising 2: Case West, although in E3 2013, the developers confirmed this ending is canon. As of Dead Rising 3's Overtime Mode, Ending A appears to be the true ending.
2024-02-03 23:50:25

Does new vegas have a canon ending?
There is no canon ending. Bethesda referenced New Vegas so little in Fallout 4 and none of the developers, neither from Obsidian nor from Bethesda ever said which one is canon.
2024-01-18 08:49:06

Which ending in far cry 4 is canon?
In what appears to be the canon ending to Far Cry 4 because of Far Cry 6's Control DLC, Pagan Min tells Ajay that he is the King of Kyrat after letting him escape the country during the Golden Path uprising, meaning Ajay has the authority to run the country against the rebel group's wishes.
2023-11-23 06:33:03

Which ending is canon in watch dogs?
The canonical ending is when you kill Damien.
2023-08-07 16:44:56

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