Is chucky a doll or a killer?

Is chucky a doll or a killer?

Is chucky a doll or a killer?

Charles Lee Ray (born May 1, 1958) is the main antagonist of the Child's Play slasher film franchise. Chucky is portrayed as a vicious serial killer who, as he bleeds out from a gunshot wound, transfers his soul into a "Good Guy" doll and continuously tries to transfer it to a human body.

  • 2023-02-02 02:14:57
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Lion, (Panthera leo), large, powerfully built cat (family Felidae) that is second in size only to the tiger. The proverbial “king of beasts,” the lion has been one of the best-known wild animals since...
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Is a headshot a crit?
Headshot (or critical hit) is a property most - but not all - weapons and some abilities have that causes them to deal critical damage upon hitting an opponent's head hitbox. Melee and beam weapons are usually incapable of dealing headshots.
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Is a glitch a bug?
A glitch, which is slight and often temporary, differs from a more serious bug which is a genuine functionality-breaking problem.
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Is a maze a type of puzzle?
A maze is a puzzle with twists and turns, where you try to find a path from the entrance to the exit without hitting dead ends. You can walk through a maze, or let your pencil do the walking. The goal of a maze is to get through it, which means going the wrong way, retracing your steps, and choosing different paths.
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