How many levels are in world 8?

How many levels are in world 8?

How many levels are in world 8?

World 8, also known as Peach's Castle, is the last area in the game before the Final Battle. It is short - only 4 levels and 2 Castle levels, and all of the levels have fire and lava.

  • 2024-01-22 02:13:23
Show all Q/A Info

What happens when you beat all special levels in super mario world?
Beating all 8 Special World levels will completely and permanently change the graphics in the game. The green fields of Dinosaur Land will become red, and Koopas will become clones of Mario. Unlocking the Top Secret area will give you easy access to upgrades throughout the game.
2024-01-10 08:01:20

What is the final level of mario 3d world called?
World Crown (called Crown World on Miiverse) is the fourth and final special world and the twelfth and final world overall in Super Mario 3D World and its Nintendo Switch port Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury.
2023-11-23 19:55:55

Can world level 7 join world level 8?
Can't Join Higher World Leveled Sessions. You won't be able to join sessions where the host has a higher world level. You can join sessions with players that have a higher Adventure Rank though.
2023-11-01 01:31:33

What is the minimum level for nuka-world?
Like many of the other DLCs, Nuka World will require you to have at least a level 15 survivor, and be outside of Vault 111 before it shows up.
2023-02-26 04:31:55