Should i play baldurs gate dark alliance on easy or normal?

Should i play baldurs gate dark alliance on easy or normal?

Should i play baldurs gate dark alliance on easy or normal?

I suggest starting with the easy mode, if just to upgrade your character before exporting and starting on normal mode. Starting on hard mode is asking for suicide, so don't bother trying it. The main difference between the different characters is how they are played.

  • 2024-01-05 06:35:15
Show all Q/A Info

Is it worth playing baldurs gate 1?
Baldur's Gate 1 is worth playing in 2023 because it is one of the greatest cRPGs of all-time. Along with Fallout 1, Baldur's gate sparked a Renaissance in cRPG History. Baldur's Gate 1 features a great story, unforgettable characters and beautiful artwork along with immersive dialogue, questing and exploration.
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Should i play witcher or dark souls?
Gameplay. The main difference is that Witcher 3 is an open-world game while Dark Souls 3 offers a more linear experience meaning one area leads to another. Which one is better is up to you to decide since it comes down to personal preference. Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3 have different mechanics when it comes to gameplay ...
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What order should i play baldurs gate games in?
Start with Baldur's Gate. It's the oldest. If it's too boring skip to the next. The next three games to play are BG2 (the sequel, more noob friendly), Icewind Dale (freedom to create and play the party you want) and Planescape:Torment (a lot of dialogue text to read and story depth).
2024-01-12 08:43:46

Should i play terraria first time expert or normal?
Enemies deal much more damage and have more health, debuffs last twice as long, and several bosses behave differently. It's recommended that you play Normal mode first to get a feel of the game.
2023-05-20 07:41:05