When did ps4 price drop?

What is the price of ps4 in 2023?
PS4 and PS5 Pricing in 2023
It's difficult to give an exact market price for the PS4 at this time since the console is primarily sold pre-owned and through store bundles. Depending on when you check, the PS4 Slim page on Sony's website is either listed as Out of Stock or with its launch price of $300.
2024-02-11 22:28:41
Will the switch have a price drop?
Tom Ivan. Nintendo has said it's not currently planning to cut Switch hardware or software prices in a bid to help it navigate “uncharted territory” in its console business.
2024-02-10 18:42:52
Are video card prices dropping?
Graphics cards are cheaper now than they were in 2021, and prices have continued to drop. Although some models are still overpriced, it's safe to say that GPU prices have returned to normal now.
2024-01-10 10:35:21
Will nintendo switch get a price drop?
The company plans to keep exploiting the Switch, but there's no mention of any plans to lower the device's price. We believe that we are now entering uncharted territory within our dedicated game console business,” Furukawa said. “Within this environment, it will not be easy to sell hardware at the same pace as before.
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