How do you cure obsidian crying?

How do you cure obsidian crying?

How do you cure obsidian crying?

This block is used to allow the player to respawn in the Nether, but it must be charged with Glowstone blocks. Every time the player dies, one Glowstone is used up, and the player must continue to to recharge it by placing more Glowstone in it (it can hold up to four total).

  • 2023-07-21 12:44:39
Show all Q/A Info

Is crying obsidian stronger than obsidian?
Crying obsidian is exactly as hard as normal obsidian. Both for mining and for explosions.
2024-03-20 21:16:41

Can pistons push crying obsidian?
Crying obsidian cannot be pushed or pulled by pistons or sticky pistons.
2024-02-04 16:43:10

Does crying obsidian work in portals?
Crying Obsidian can only be used to craft respawn anchors and can't be used in a nether portal.
2024-01-20 18:50:45

Can you put end crystals on crying obsidian?
End crystals now drop from skeleton trap horses and can be placed only on obsidian or bedrock. Placing several of them atop the end exit portal respawns the ender dragon.
2024-01-16 10:09:50

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