What pc has the most fps?

How many fps is modern warfare on pc?
Runs at 60 FPS in most situations.
2024-02-15 04:24:25
What affects fps on a pc most?
The most common reason for reduced FPS is graphics settings that create a larger workload than your hardware can handle. So how do you achieve better FPS? Getting a faster CPU, more RAM, or a newer graphics card is one solution.
2024-02-13 03:33:11
Is 30 fps good for pubg pc?
The target frame rate for gamers is preferential, since having a steady connection with the graphics card is sometimes more important than having a fast one. PC action games are played best at 60 fps, but otherwise, a frame rate of 30 fps or higher should be fine.
2024-02-11 07:56:22
Why is my pc fps lagging?
The most common reason for reduced FPS is graphics settings that create a larger workload than your hardware can handle. So how do you achieve better FPS? Getting a faster CPU, more RAM, or a newer graphics card is one solution.
2023-07-11 13:42:50
Why is my pc fps capped?
FPS caps are usually due to an game, driver, or power setting. Configuring these settings properly will allow you to increase your FPS. If your FPS is low, but not stuck at a specific number, use our low frame rate article. If your frame rate is not low, use our performance troubleshooting resources article.
2023-04-04 07:43:31
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