Can you get legendaries from moxxi?

Does moxxi have kids?
Moxxi was originally married to Jimbo Hodunk, father of Tector Hodunk, and with him gave birth to at least two children, Scooter and Ellie Hodunk.
2024-02-07 11:29:01
Does ash have any legendaries?
Technically, Ash never caught any legendary pokemon but he came close to several legendaries who were emotionally attached to him. Some of them being Suicune, Azel, Solgaleo, Tapu Kuku and Reshiram. Also our boy has caught pokemons of other categories like Mythical and Ultra beast, i.e, Melmetal and Naganadel.
2023-11-03 11:33:02
Are all legendaries in sword?
Pokemon Sword and Shield contains four Legendary Pokemon. You can catch two of the three in each version of the game. Zacian and Zamazenta can only be caught in Sword or Shield respectively. Eternatus, the hidden Legendary Pokemon in Sword and Shield, can be caught in both versions of the game.
2023-04-06 09:55:04
What is the best dungeon for legendaries in diablo immortal?
Diablo Immortal legendary farming locations
Realm of Damnation, Plains of Torment: This is one of the best spots for Diablo Immortal legendary farming right now. Simply run around the Northern loop in Plains of Torment and slaugher every demon that appears while activiating any nearby shrines.
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