What is the funnest class to play in diablo immortal?

What is the funnest class to play in diablo immortal?

What is the funnest class to play in diablo immortal?

It's this mobility that makes the Monk one of the most fun classes to play. And it's a class that even recently got a buff to its auto-attack. What is this? There's also been a noticeable trend that big spenders in Diablo are switching to Monk because of the Monks' ability to use Shield of Zen.

  • 2023-10-23 07:23:44
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What to play diablo immortal on?
Diablo Immortal is out on Android, iOS and in open beta for PC.
2024-02-12 00:33:42

Is crusader a good class in diablo immortal?
The Crusader is well suited to those who like the idea of easing into Diablo Immortal with a tank-like character, but who may want to indulge in some unique skill-based play later. While the Crusader appears to be an armor-clad, hammer-wielding tank, there's a lot more to them.
2024-02-01 13:05:51

Can i play diablo immortal with friends on different servers?
Once Server Merge goes into effect, you will continue to log into your same server, but will notice you can now play Diablo Immortal with players on any server in your grouping.
2023-03-16 13:03:01

What is the easiest class in diablo immortal?
Necromancer is good in every situation on top of being one of the easiest classes to play, making it the best day-one class in Diablo Immortal.
2023-02-21 10:54:31

Can you still play diablo immortal without paying?
Diablo Immortal is free-to-play, and while you can enjoy all of its gameplay content for free, get ready to settle in for a long grind if you aren't willing to spend some cash.
2023-01-15 16:13:03

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