What do drow think of other elves?

How long are half-elves pregnant?
A elven mother carries the child for almost two years, whether it be of an elven or human father. Some say that a child and mother share the same blood during gestation.
2024-01-12 15:47:03
Why cant the elves reproduce in the witcher?
Elves can only conceive during their very early years. And on top of that problem, most couples will never be successful in bearing a child. Elven biology is just too fickle. Thus, humans will always be able to overpower this Elder Race by sheer force of numbers.
2024-01-07 00:15:49
Which elves become orcs?
The origin(s) of orcs were explained inconsistently in two different ways by Tolkien: the orcs were either East Elves (Avari) enslaved, tortured, and bred by Morgoth (as Melkor became known), or, "perhaps.. Avari [(a race of elves)].. [turned] evil and savage in the wild", both according to The Silmarillion.
2023-12-15 05:50:30
What do high elves think of daedra?
The Altmeri - or High Elves - are a magically talented race prone to thoughts of racial superiority, which ends up forming the Aldmeri Dominion and the malicious Thalmor. They only worship the Aedra, known in their language as 'ancestor spirits', and they despise all forms of Daedric worship.
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