How many cars can franklin have at his house?

How many cars can franklin have at his house?

How many cars can franklin have at his house?

Michael has one safehouse, and only one garage. Franklin has two safehouses, and two garages. Each character has a four car garage that is separate from their safehouse garage.

  • 2023-09-03 00:29:19
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How many cars can franklin keep?
Each character has a purchasable 4 car garage, in these you can only store 4 cars. You can store 2 cars in Michael's safehouse garage, 2 at Franklin's Safehouse garage, and 1 at each of Trevor's safehouse garages. This leaves you with a grand total of 18 cars you can store in Story Mode.
2024-01-04 05:34:37

How much did franklins house cost?
Franklin's Vinewood Hills pad costs a hefty $7,921,568. Michael's Rockford Hills mansion would set you back a massive $18,174,37.
2024-01-03 18:29:29

Can franklin buy another house?
For Michael, Trevor or Franklin, it is simply not possible to buy a new house for them. You can only buy apartments online.
2023-11-18 10:03:13

Why was ben franklin house torn down?
Franklin lived at the house during the final years of his life, from 1785 to 1790. The house was demolished by his heirs in 1812 to make way for income-earning row houses.
2023-03-26 13:40:09

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