What is y2k in kpop?

What is y2k in kpop?

What is y2k in kpop?

by hgordon. Retro has been trending in K-pop for a while now, and the most recent throwback trend takes us to right around the year 2000, otherwise known as Y2K!

  • 2024-02-06 10:49:03
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Is kpop in just dance?
The backlog of all the just dance game contains a few handfuls of kpop dances. The 2022 edition has jopping, black mamba, pop/stars and boombayah.
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What ace means in kpop?
"The literal meaning by Merriam Webster dictionary, for the word 'Ace; means a person who excels at something. In K-pop industry 'Ace' stands for the one who outshines the other. It is a lethal weapon or a trick up your sleeve" .
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Is y2k a virus?
The Y2K bug was a computer flaw, or bug, that may have caused problems when dealing with dates beyond December 31, 1999.
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