Can you buy a game on the switch and not download it?

What happens if you buy a game twice on switch?
Purchases made using a Nintendo Account can be redownloaded and played on any Nintendo Switch console it is linked to. You can link your Nintendo Account to user profiles on multiple consoles.
2024-03-21 03:20:02
What happens when you buy a game on xbox store?
They're stored in the cloud so you can download them to your Xbox console or an external hard drive. Slip the hard drive in your pocket for travel, or simply log in with your account to a friend's Xbox and download your games.
2024-02-07 22:27:18
Do i have to buy a game again if i delete it on xbox?
You can always remove game content from your hard drive to make space for new titles. Anything that you had purchased and have since deleted from your hard drive can be redownloaded at any time.
2023-03-23 07:02:01
Why is there an error when i try to buy a game on xbox?
This error might make an appearance due to intermittent Xbox Network issues, problems with your internet connection, an issue with your payment choice, and more. Because of this, there are three workarounds you can attempt before reaching out to Xbox support (or giving it time to resolve on its own).
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