Can franklin buy another house?

How much did franklins house cost?
Franklin's Vinewood Hills pad costs a hefty $7,921,568. Michael's Rockford Hills mansion would set you back a massive $18,174,37.
2024-01-03 18:29:29
How do you buy a house in gta vice city?
In GTA Vice City, you have the ability to acquire two types of properties: Safehouses
Safe houses were an integral part of the Underground Railroad, the network of safe house locations that were used to assist slaves in escaping to the primarily northern free states in the 19th century United States. › wiki › Safe_house
Safe house - Wikipedia
, which provide save points and vehicle storage, and Assets, profitable Businesses that generate income for Tommy. You can buy properties by walking into the green floating icon that appears in front of all purchasable properties.
2023-11-10 22:21:12
Can i buy a house and put it in my childs name canada?
A parent can make an express gift of the property to their child as a beneficiary under the Last Will. The Executor of the Last Will would then make the required arrangements to have the real property transferred into the name of the child after the parent passes on.
2023-06-12 12:15:41
What garages can franklin buy?
The Grove Street Garage becomes available after the mission Father/Son and can be purchased for a price of $30,000 by approaching the "On Sale" sign near the property. What is this? It can be owned by Franklin.
2023-06-07 02:59:32
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