Is hitman 3 the best?

How much ram does hitman 3 use?
Memory: 8 GB RAM. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7870. DirectX: Version 12. Storage: 60 GB available space.
2024-03-20 15:24:03
How gory is hitman 3?
Players will typically kill far fewer characters in this game than in most M-rated action games, but the assassinations can be quite graphic and intense. Depending on the manner of death, killed characters may bleed, scream, or flail.
2024-02-19 00:32:37
How much money has hitman 3 made?
The Danish game studio released its annual report for 2020/2021, and IO made more profit for the year than ever before in the company's 23-year history thanks in part to Hitman 3. According to, IO Interactive
IO Interactive
IO Interactive A/S (IOI) is a Danish video game developer based in Copenhagen, best known for creating and developing the Hitman and Kane and Lynch franchises. IO Interactive's most recent game is Hitman 3, which was released in January 2021. › wiki › IO_Interactive
IO Interactive - Wikipedia
made a profit of $42 million USD, compared to a profit of $1.8 million for the same time the year prior.
2024-02-02 17:32:15
Does hitman 3 contain hitman 1?
The HITMAN 3 Access Pass system allows you to access HITMAN 1 and HITMAN 2 locations in HITMAN 3, essentially making it possible to play all locations in the World of Assassination trilogy from within HITMAN 3.
2024-02-02 07:20:19
How many gigs is hitman 3?
What is the Hitman 3 file size? According to IO Interactive
IO Interactive
IO Interactive A/S (IOI) is a Danish video game developer based in Copenhagen, best known for creating and developing the Hitman and Kane and Lynch franchises. IO Interactive's most recent game is Hitman 3, which was released in January 2021. › wiki › IO_Interactive
IO Interactive - Wikipedia
, the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X versions take anywhere between 60 and 70 GB of space. As they're cloud-based, you don't have to worry about massive file sizes on Stadia or Nintendo Switch.
2024-01-12 03:11:28
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