How do you stop a fury werewolf on sims?

Can you stop a pregnancy in sims 3?
Click your Sim -> NRaas -> Master Controller -> Advanced -> Pregnancy -> End Pregnancy. You'll get a confirmation dialog, but confirming puts your Sim back into their normal state, otherwise you can choose to pause it (or resume a previously paused one) or just keep going with it.
2024-02-04 03:26:18
Can an alien become a werewolf sims 4?
Just a quick reminder that, as ever, some exclusions apply. Namely, Sims who already possess a permanent occult life state (i.e. vampire, mermaid, ghost, Servo robot, spellcaster, or alien) can't become a werewolf without first renouncing their old supernatural affiliation and all its associated powers.
2024-01-11 04:54:28
How do you cure a seeker werewolf in sims 4?
Ask for the remedy at The Grimtooth Bar and Bunker - Head to this specific bar in the Moonwood Mill neighborhood and ask the bartender for a 'Werebies Remedy'. You'll be given it and will be cured.
2024-01-06 09:18:27
Can a vampire date a werewolf sims 4?
A sim that is a vampire cannot romance a werewolf; a sim that is a werewolf cannot romance a vampire. There was one romance option once when the two sims first met, but as soon as the angry moodlet was gone from the werewolf, the romance option disappeared permanently.
2023-02-26 02:17:45
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