How to get the 4 million on gta 5 online?

How to get the 4 million on gta 5 online?

How to get the 4 million on gta 5 online?

The GTA Online Expanded & Enhanced players will have received a $4 million bankroll if they choose to use the new Career Builder feature in the game. This mode gives gamers a leg up by directly putting them into a criminal enterprise from the start.

  • 2023-05-16 14:26:16
Show all Q/A Info

What is the difference between gta 5 online and story mode?
The GTA 5 story mode is locally played and you play the role of 3 characters (RPG) with open world aspects. GTA 5 Online is completely freemode and there is no set story line or things you are forced to do to advance in the game. You also customize your character.
2024-02-20 15:01:26

How do you get 10 million dollars in gta 5 online heist?
And when a teammate dies, can you just restart that mission you failed or do you have to restart the entire thing? The 10 million dollar reward is to complete ALL heists with the same people, don't lose any lives, play on hard difficulty, and complete the elite bonus challenges for the heist.
2023-08-26 02:49:23

What is the free 4 million gta 5?
The GTA Online Expanded & Enhanced players will have received a $4 million bankroll if they choose to use the new Career Builder feature in the game. This mode gives gamers a leg up by directly putting them into a criminal enterprise from the start.
2023-04-23 08:55:37

Why am i banned from gta 5 online?
GTA Online bans are triggered by a number of factors, including modding in GTA Online, exploiting or abusing game mechanics, manipulating protected game data and code, or otherwise interfering with other players' gameplay experience.
2023-01-27 08:26:35