Can sora beat sephiroth?

Can sephiroth beat thor?
Thor is Sephiroth's superior when it comes to strength and experience, which will make a huge difference, as Thor tanks Sephiroth's hits and takes the fight to him. It's going to get ugly, but Thor will win.
2024-02-19 07:49:08
Can skarlet beat kitana?
Wiz: Both of them shared speed feats, having been able to dodge lightning, and the resistance was pretty similar too, but in the end, Kitana was definitely stronger than Skarlet.
2024-01-13 10:18:16
Can master chief beat doom slayer?
Chief literally couldn't kill Doomslayer because he's an infinite, prophetic barrier between Hell and Earth. He's less of a being than he is an integral part of the universe. Chief hands down.
2023-10-26 10:16:36
Could noctis beat sephiroth?
Noctis might not be able to match up against Sephiroth when it comes to magic, but this doesn't mean he's weak. His physical power and warping abilities is more than enough to take on Sephiroth.
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