Is mantis a healer?

Does hu tao need a healer?
13 Not Healing Hu Tao
Hu Tao's burst, "Spirit Soother," allows her to heal, but her healing is mostly inadequate. Without a healer, Hu Tao will be stuck at low HP and she'll be on the brink of death most of the time. A shielder can help with this problem, but so far, only Zhongli can provide a shield with 100% uptime.
2024-01-07 18:32:41
Do you need a healer for clan boss?
Healing and Protection
It goes without saying that bringing a healer or a champion that can, in some way, protect your champions be it ally protection, Unkillable or Block damage buff is probably the best way to live longer in your Clan Boss. Champions like Maneater, Demytha and Helicath can do it on their own.
2023-10-06 10:57:30
Can you grab a mantis?
For such an aggressive hunter, mantis can be strangely docile with their owners. A further benefit of praying mantis as pets therefore is that they can generally be handled quite safely. In general, a praying mantis will happily walk from hand to hand.
2023-06-26 17:24:52
Can you play eso solo as a healer?
Healers have a few things going for them that translate fine to solo play: Spell damage is your friend - it boosts both your damage and your heals. Healers can heal themselves superbly - that makes for great defense when solo.
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