Why was bunker 42 built?

Is ferrari still hand built?
A Ford, a Buick, or a Mercedes-Benz will have many of its parts outsourced, but each Ferrari is made in the same place Ferraris have always been made: Maranello. And each Ferrari engine is hand-assembled to ensure the highest level of quality control.
2023-10-08 15:16:25
What is the code for the bunker door in life is strange?
The Bunker Code
The actual code for the door is 542. So, you can simply input that combination if you don't feel like remembering bits of paper or trying a bunch of possible combinations. Once you do, you're able to experience the horrors of the Dark Room. Good Luck!
2023-10-05 12:50:19
What is the disadvantage of bunker?
The disadvantage is that if you are in one and the enemy knows where it is it still might be destroyed, or you might still die within one by such as internal fire or being trapped inside if all entrances/ exits got collapsed.
2023-09-20 02:10:46
How deep is the bunker 42?
Area of 7000 m. Depth of 65 meters below ground. Capacity of 3000 personnel.
2023-04-21 06:18:40
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