How do you skip mastery rank wait time?

How do you skip mastery rank wait time?

How do you skip mastery rank wait time?

In fact, if you gain enough Mastery points to reach another level, it'll still continue to count. You will have to wait another 24 hours if that's the case to take the next test. Nope, no way to skip the 24 hour timer. All you gotta do is try not to be anxious when you're doing the test for real.

  • 2024-02-04 13:25:43
Show all Q/A Info

What do you get at mastery rank 30?
When you hit MR 30, you get some cool goodies and benefits. These goodies are 30 riven slots, 3 Umbra forma, 15 loadout slots, additional raises for my daily standing and void trace slots. I also received these “True Master” items like an exclusive chat emoji, emote, and a sumdali.
2024-01-11 08:51:03

Why is apple wait times so long?
Reason Behind Long Queues Outside Apple Stores
And the situation for Apple is such: only their certified technicians can diagnose and fix major issues. The rest of the staff is involved in crowd control. Initially, the minimal Apple stores were imagined and designed as the perfect consumer experience.
2024-01-02 19:11:24

Can you skip legendary ranks?
You can skip right to 6, but it will require the same amount of mats to craft it as if you were crafting a rank 5 as well. So rank 5 costs 1100 Soul Cinders. Rank 6 costs 1650 Soul Cinders. To skip right to rank 6 you will need 2750 Cinders.
2023-12-12 20:55:21

Where can i practice mastery rank?
Go into any Relay, go to Cephalon Simaris room, at the right of the entrance you have an ascending corridor were you have every test to practice.
2023-07-15 00:01:05