Can you say the f word in a 12?

Is the f word in halo?
The only times the F-word expletive was ever used in Halo is in the Evolutions short story collection, curiously (as far as I know, anyway; maybe in I Love Bees
I Love Bees
I Love Bees (also known as ilovebees or ILB for short) was an alternate reality game (ARG) that served as both a real-world experience and viral marketing campaign for the release of developer Bungie's 2004 video game Halo 2. The game was created and developed by 42 Entertainment. › wiki › I_Love_Bees
I Love Bees - Wikipedia
, I forgot).
2024-02-18 22:28:22
Is there a 12 tails?
The 12 Tails are the main playable character classes of the 12 Tails Online game. The Tails, ordered in alphabetical order, are Bat, Bison, Cat, Chameleon, Mole, Monkey, Panda, Penguin, Rabbit, Sheep, Whale, and Wolf.
2023-12-06 20:18:30
Can a pg-13 movies say the f word?
One of the group's rules, for instance, says the F-bomb can be used as an expletive just once in a film rated PG-13, which means suitable for people 13 and older.
2023-11-22 22:30:29
Can a 12 year old watch the wilds?
The Wilds age rating explained
The show is classed as TV-14 in the United States, according to IMDb. It's 16+ in the UK, MA15+ in Australia, and other countries have also set their own ratings. The Wilds age rating means that it is suitable for 14+.
2023-01-23 12:57:36
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