Is death a female or male?

Can you romance judy as a female?
Judy can be romanced but only by a female character with a female body type. In the final side quest, you can be intimate with her. The romance will take you to the waterside and be followed up by a steamy romantic scene in the cabin.
2024-01-16 18:36:49
Is diablos a female?
Regular Diablos can be male or female, but Black Diablos is always female as they are females in heat, and the colour change acts as a warning to other monsters.
2024-01-14 19:04:29
Is a squid a male or a female?
Like all squid species, they have separate male and female sexes. Also like all squid, Humboldt males package their sperm into spermatophores, which are passed to females during mating.
2024-01-10 08:21:55
Is red death a female dragon?
Although the Red Death is a female, Hiccup inaccurately kept referring the Red Death as a "he" in the movie throughout his battle against her.
2023-01-24 15:48:30
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