Can you use a nintendo family account on two switches?

Can a nintendo child account play online?
A parent account must purchase the Family Membership, but then any Nintendo Account of any age in the Family Group (including Child Accounts) can use the Nintendo Switch Online services.
2024-02-12 00:47:37
What does linking a nintendo account to another switch do?
You can link your Nintendo Account to multiple Nintendo Switch consoles and play your games on any of them using your Nintendo Account. Only one of the consoles can act as the primary console. On the primary console, any other users can play the games you downloaded with your Nintendo Account.
2023-06-09 16:57:56
Can you unlink a nintendo account from a switch?
To unlink a single Nintendo Account from a Nintendo Switch console, delete the associated user account. To unlink all Nintendo Accounts from a Nintendo Switch console, initialize the Nintendo Switch console.
2023-03-22 19:44:16
Can you link an existing nintendo account to a family account?
Can I Add an Existing Nintendo Account to My Parent/Guardian Account? Yes. Existing Nintendo Accounts for users aged 13+ can be added to a Nintendo Account family group by the group's admin. Once added, they can be set as a supervised account by a parent/guardian in the family group.
2023-01-20 13:11:25
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