What happens if i sink a ball on the break?

What happens if i sink a ball on the break?

What happens if i sink a ball on the break?

If any balls are sunk on the break, the breaking player continues to shoot. The table remains open after the break regardless of what is sunk on the break. Sinking the cue ball on break is a scratch and passes the turn to the opponent, giving them ball in hand.

  • 2023-10-02 04:34:49
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What happens if a ball goes in on a break?
On the break, the first shot of the game, the cue ball must be played from behind the head string (i.e., in the “kitchen”). If an object ball is pocketed on the break, you get to continue with your turn, unless you scratch (i.e., you pocket the cue ball) on the break.
2024-01-20 16:34:43

What happens if you sink a ball in pool?
The phenomenon of sinking a cue ball is called a Scratch and results in a penalty, and you lose the turn to the opponent.
2024-01-16 05:35:44

Can i take a career break?
Career breaks are an acknowledgment that you're a complex person. You have passions and dreams outside of your day job, and it's okay to make time to pursue them. This is a great way to achieve your personal goals, whether that means starting a family or writing a book.
2024-01-02 10:15:55

Do you get a ball on break in pool?
On the break, the first shot of the game, the cue ball must be played from behind the head string (i.e., in the “kitchen”). If an object ball is pocketed on the break, you get to continue with your turn, unless you scratch (i.e., you pocket the cue ball) on the break.
2023-02-23 14:20:54