What is tft called in chinese?

What is tft called in chinese?

What is tft called in chinese?

Worth noting is that TFT was released under a different ID in China: “Battle of the Golden Spatula” (a direct translation of the game's Chinese name 金铲铲之战) with Tencent as its publisher.

  • 2024-02-22 01:03:19
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What is the chinese gambling game called?
fan-tan, bank gambling game of Chinese origin, dating back at least 2,000 years and introduced in the western United States in the second half of the 19th century by Chinese immigrant workers.
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Genshin Impact's Chinese name is 原神 (Yuánshén), which translates as 'original God'.
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What is overwatch called in chinese?
The version in traditional Chinese is called 'the Taiwan server' (taifu 台服), with Overwatch translated as “Douzhen tegong” 鬥陣特攻 (lit. Special Attack of the Fighting Battalion).
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What is mr. mime called in chinese?
Mr. Mime is "吸盘魔偶(Xīpánmó'ǒu)" in Chinese. Interestingly enough, they did not use the word for "mime" in Chinese, which is "哑剧(yǎ jù.)"
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