Whats the point of super smash bros?

Whats the point of super smash bros?

Whats the point of super smash bros?

The goal of a basic Super Smash Bros. match is to score more eliminations than your opponents. As you deal damage, the percentage above that character's icon will go up. The higher it is, the more likely it is that they'll get sent flying after the next big attack.

  • 2023-02-14 05:27:25
Show all Q/A Info

How many gb is super smash bros ultimate?
Ultimate will require “16 GB or more” of space, which is about half the size of a standard Switch without a micro SD card. What is this?
2024-02-15 10:25:39

What is the frame rate of super smash bros 64?
All Smash games run at 60 frames per second (60 FPS), meaning one frame lasts 1/60th of a second, or 16.67 milliseconds.
2024-02-07 03:18:42

What is the best character to use in super smash bros?
S (Top Tier)
Others from this batch, like Peach, Sheik, and Pac-Man, are more rare but show strong results from the few specialists that do pilot them. Lastly, we also have characters like Joker, Aegis, and Steve who are candidates for being the very best Smash Ultimate characters.
2024-02-04 02:03:07

Can you play super smash bros on pc?
You can't legally play Smash on PC, but Steam has several platform-fighters inspired by Nintendo's hit series.
2023-05-10 17:11:34