Can you marry the queen of solitude in skyrim?

Can you marry the queen of solitude in skyrim?

Can you marry the queen of solitude in skyrim?

It means she likes you as you did her a favor, with a diffrent maybe you could but Elisif can't be married (without mods or console command on a PC).

  • 2024-02-15 11:23:20
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Can you buy land in solitude skyrim?
How to unlock: You can buy this on the way to becoming Solitude's Thane. Visit Falk Firebeard in Solitude who will ask you to clear out an nearby cave. Chat to Jarl Elisif the Fair saying you've placed the horn at the shrine, then chat to Falk Firebeard again to get the chance to purchase the property.
2024-02-06 09:13:48

How do you marry elena in skyrim?
Talk to Maramal to arrange your marriage. The ceremony usually takes place about 24 hours after kicking off wedding preparations. Don't stray too far from the Temple, otherwise you may wind up inadvertently leaving your bride at the altar. It's not a smart idea to stand up a werewolf.
2024-01-18 09:21:30

Can you still marry camilla in skyrim?
You can marry her by just seeking her out and asking her if she is interested in you. Follow this train of dialouge till she tells you that she will marry you. Go to the temple of Mara and marry her then.
2024-01-11 10:04:20

What happens if you stop execution in solitude skyrim?
You can stop the execution, but he will still die, and all the guards will be after you.
2024-01-07 01:16:54

What happens if you marry camilla in skyrim?
Once married she will start her own store, if you do not own a house yet you will have to live with her in the RiverWood trader. Once you move her into a new home outside of Riverwood she will open up her own store, which you can use freely. Usually, she will have 700-750 gold.
2023-08-05 10:26:08

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