Does a 3070 need water cooling?

Does a 3070 need water cooling?

Does a 3070 need water cooling?

Want to push your RTX 3070 (Ti) even further with an overclock? Then watercooling is for you. A watercooled graphics card with appropriate full coverage water block will yield more over clocking headroom and significantly lower temperatures.

  • 2023-05-09 04:32:54
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Can a 3070 run 4k?
No, the RTX 3070 Ti doesn't have enough power to meet the necessities of a 4K/144Hz monitor. This GPU won't be able to get near 100 FPS in 4K, not even playing in medium settings. The refresh rate of a capable monitor will come to waste due to the lack of power from the GPU.
2024-02-07 14:05:04

Does core i9 need water cooling?
Intel recommends that you use a 240mm AIO cooler or greater (or air equivalent) for the Core i9-13900K. While we expect most enthusiasts will pair an i9 CPU with high-end air or liquid cooling, we'll also be testing with more basic air coolers to see what can be gained or lost with different levels of cooling.
2024-01-18 12:36:01

Is a 3070 fine for 1440p?
RTX 3070 is a fine 1440p card, especially if you run a G-Sync monitor. Should not notice any FPS drops at all.
2024-01-02 01:52:23

Should i get a 3070 or 3080 for 1080p gaming?
1080p. As you'd expect, at 1080p resolution both the RTX 3070 and RTX 3080 perform exceptionally well. If you're only gaming at 1080p, it's difficult to recommend the 3080 over the 3070 given its (theoretically) 30% higher price tag—unless you're playing at very high refresh rates.
2023-05-05 10:54:38

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