Is baldurs gate 2 the same as dark alliance?

Is baldurs gate 2 the same as dark alliance?

Is baldurs gate 2 the same as dark alliance?

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II is literally the same game, since it's a direct port. All the best parts, and all the flaws, all are still prevalent in this release.

  • 2023-01-13 12:58:41
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Is baldurs gate 2 better than baldurs gate 1?
If players are forced to choose between the first two titles, Baldur's Gate 2 should be the go-to choice for its more user-friendly experience. While lovers of high fantasy will undoubtedly enjoy the original Baldur's Gate, it may be too slow-paced and directionless for most people to casually enjoy.
2024-02-09 16:50:52

Is baldurs gate 2 co op?
The Co-Op Experience
Team up with five other players online or via LAN to play through the entire campaign. All progress is saved with the host, and the host determines which character a player can control. Cross-platform play is supported between the PC, Mac, iPad, and Android versions.
2024-01-16 02:51:27

What year does baldurs gate 2 take place?
1369 DR to 1400 DR.
2024-01-08 14:02:59

What is the best starting class in baldurs gate 2?
The best classes for Baldur's Gate 2 beginners are Undead Hunter, Cavalier and Barbarian. The best classes to start with, this rests on their key immunities, resistances and special abilities which improve staying power while also maintaining a strong offense.
2023-03-20 21:15:20

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