Did dawn have a crush on ash?

Did dawn have a crush on ash?

Did dawn have a crush on ash?

Dawn has never openly shown it, perhaps because she actually did not realize it. However, according to several sources (but also judging from some of her behaviours), she seems to have had a crush on Ash, or at least a special admiration for him.

  • 2024-02-01 22:11:24
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Does kenny have a crush on dawn?
In Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!, Kenny was revealed to have developed a crush on Dawn. He challenged Ash to a Pokémon battle and stated that if he won, he would like Dawn to go on a journey with him.
2024-02-10 19:19:30

Does iris have a crush?
Iris has had a crush on Noctis
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the (initially sole) playable character and main protagonist of Final Fantasy XV. He is the crown prince and heir to the throne of Lucis, the kingdom with control over the Crystal. Thus, he can wield the power of Lucian kings.
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Noctis Lucis Caelum | Final Fantasy Wiki - Fandom
ever since they first met as children, but knows their stars are not meant to align and thus vows to never act on her unrequited feelings.
2023-10-12 20:30:55

Does misty have a crush on ash?
Some of the lyrics of “Misty's Song” make her crush blatantly obvious, such “I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, / And to say that, I love you.” A secret profession of love like this basically seals the deal on the ship's validity: Misty's feelings for Ash are strong and romantic.
2023-05-24 23:37:27

Did bonnie have a crush on john?
At the end of the encounter, it is revealed that she did indeed have feelings for John Marston, as her actions and witty banter implied. It is not known whether Bonnie received word of John's death or how she reacted to the news if she heard it.
2023-01-07 01:16:37