Is miguel better than robby?

Is miguel better than robby?

Is miguel better than robby?

Miguel was seriously injured by Robby after he had effectively beaten his opponent and showed him mercy. But in spite of that, Miguel was struggling against Robby when they fought in Stingray's house. Based on what happened, there's a good chance that Robby was the better fighter in Cobra Kai season 4.

  • 2024-01-19 14:10:41
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Who is stronger daniel or miguel?
Overall Daniel
Anthony LaRusso is a supporting character in Cobra Kai. He is portrayed by Griffin Santopietro. He is the son of Daniel and Amanda LaRusso, and the younger brother of Samantha LaRusso. › wiki › Anthony_LaRusso
Anthony LaRusso | The Karate Kid Wiki - Fandom
is a better fighter but I'd say Miguel has more drive, more heart. Daniel has seen his fair share of Cobra Kai And I assume that he'd have their choreography down. He could counter Miguel easily, but he'd have to be primarily on the defense to beat Miguel.
2024-01-21 02:18:20

Who kicked miguel in cobra kai?
Back in the Season 2 finale, Robby kicked Miguel over a school staircase, leading to his temporary paralysis.
2024-01-18 15:31:46

Who is stronger hawk or robby?
Even as skilled as he is, Robby also has trouble against opponents who are equal to him in skill. In season four, he and Hawk were equal throughout their match. However, Hawk proved to be the better fighter and was able to counterattack Robby's high-risk moves.
2024-01-15 15:12:54

Is miguel a bad guy in far cry 6?
Miguel Delgado is a supporting antagonist in the 2021 video game Far Cry 6, appearing in the Familia Montero storyline. He was close member of the Montero family, who became a mole for José Castillo after believing that he was left behind by Camila in a political prison.
2024-01-15 13:25:11

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