How can i look attractive to my crush?

How can i look attractive to my crush?

How can i look attractive to my crush?

If you notice your crush is looking at you, make eye contact and hold their gaze for a few seconds, then smile and look away. Smiling can actually make you feel happier, so it might be worth it to force a smile even if you aren't having the best day. Having a good sense of humor can make you seem cuter, too.

  • 2023-10-01 00:45:41
Show all Q/A Info

Can i sell my candy crush gold?
In Candy Crush Kingdom there's no sell or trade options with the Gold. This is the place of Sugar Rush, not Gold Rush.
2024-02-06 22:32:59

Why can i only use 20 lives in candy crush?
Your stored lives/ inbox capacity are shown to the right. If you have reached your peak you won't receive more lives until there is some space in your inbox. Any lives previously saved won't be lost though, therefore your inbox can show more lives than the inbox limit.
2024-02-03 16:03:04

Why am i attracted to guys on the spectrum?
Often, women are attracted to the passivity of some men with Autism Spectrum Disorder because they want to shape the parameters of their relationship, to make decisions, influence the way the relationship unfolds and have a degree of authority over what occurs. This is not necessarily bad.
2024-01-11 09:47:59

Can i give my crush a gift?
Treating them to a small crush gift is perfectly acceptable and might just move the relationship forward. Subtle gifts for a crush, especially on their birthday, shows them you care and can mean a lot to them. But, make sure to keep it light and friendly with something inexpensive to avoid embarrassment.
2023-08-09 08:57:20