Who runs kerala lottery?

Who runs kerala lottery?

Who runs kerala lottery?

Kerala State Lotteries is a lottery programme run by the Government of Kerala
Government of Kerala
Government of Kerala is the subnational government of the Indian state of Kerala. The government is led by a chief minister, who selects all the other ministers. The chief minister and their most senior ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the cabinet. Government of Kerala. Kēraḷa Sarkkār.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Government_of_Kerala
Government of Kerala - Wikipedia
. Established in 1967, under the lottery department of the Government of Kerala, it is the first of its kind in India.

  • 2023-07-17 07:36:49
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Who is the owner of kerala lottery online?
Kerala State Lotteries is a lottery programme run by the Government of Kerala
Government of Kerala
Government of Kerala is the subnational government of the Indian state of Kerala. The government is led by a chief minister, who selects all the other ministers. The chief minister and their most senior ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the cabinet. Government of Kerala. Kēraḷa Sarkkār.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Government_of_Kerala
Government of Kerala - Wikipedia
. Established in 1967, under the lottery department of the Government of Kerala, it is the first of its kind in India.
2024-02-19 12:48:46

How much tax is deducted from kerala lottery winning?
The reward would be subject to tax according to Section 56 and reported under the title “Income from Other Sources.” The lottery winners are allowed to receive 63% of the total prize money. The agency commission of Kerala State lottery deducts an additional tax of 10% along with the income tax of 30%.
2024-01-20 13:31:07

Who runs lottery in italy?
The total amount of all bets placed forms a single jackpot that is split equally among all winners in the same prize category. Since 1997, Sisal has been the sole Licensee of SuperEnalotto, Italy's leading Lottery Game.
2024-01-12 23:58:59

Who won the 10 crore lottery in kerala?
Guest worker employed at Malayalam actor's house wins Rs 10 cr Kerala lottery. Kochi: The state lottery department has identified the first-prize winner of its summer bumper. The lucky man, who is set to pocket the Rs 10 crore prize, is a guest worker from Assam, Albert Tiga.
2023-03-05 00:37:21