Is 18 still a minor in japan?

Is it okay to not have a minor?
Most colleges do not require a minor to earn a bachelor's degree. A minor can complement your major and help job applicants stand out. Before declaring a minor, weigh the costs against the benefits. Choose a minor based on your interests, goals, and major.
2024-02-06 08:27:53
Is valorant 18+ a game?
The game has been rated T for Teen by the ESRB and PEGI
PEGI (/pɛɡi/) or Pan-European Game Information is a European video game content rating system established to help European consumers make informed decisions when buying video games or apps through the use of age recommendations and content descriptors. › wiki › PEGI
PEGI - Wikipedia
16 by the PEGI age rating group. Riot Games accounts restrict the game to players 16 years of age or older.
2024-01-06 10:13:29
What is a minor game?
Simple games with few rules, designed to allow students to practise skills in a challenging situation.
2023-11-17 05:43:29
Is venti a minor genshin?
⁷ Estimated based on his lore update in 1.2 that says he is now a young adult. ⁸ Venti was an elemental being during the Archon War but took on the appearance of an underage soldier who died in battle.
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