Is obs better than shadowplay?

Is obs better than shadowplay?

Is obs better than shadowplay?

OBS is the better choice if you want sophisticated editing options. It has a built-in video editor that lets you customize transitions, apply chroma key, and more. You can also preview and adjust your scenes before you start broadcasting. ShadowPlay has some editing features, but they're limited in comparison to OBS.

  • 2024-03-21 21:41:31
Show all Q/A Info

How much ram does obs need?
OBS has the following system requirements: Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. AMD FX series or Intel i5 2000-series processor (dual or 4-core preferable) or higher DirectX 10 capable graphics card. At least 4 GB of RAM (recommended, but not necessary)
2024-02-06 12:19:54

Does obs hurt fps?
OBS does have a 2-3% impact on CPU/GPU usage and this translates to a 10-15 FPS loss in Legion equating to about 20-25% of the overall possible frame rate with it off.
2023-07-13 18:12:07

Does obs need more ram?
Does OBS need more RAM? Unlikely, lack of RAM generally wouldn't affect performance of an encoding task, it would cause more system-wide problems and application errors. That said, 8 GB is fairly low, but more than enough to use for just OBS.
2023-04-24 07:41:15

Does obs use your gpu?
Can I Run OBS Without a Graphics Card? You run OBS without a GPU just fine for the most part. OBS supports both GPU and CPU encoding. Obviously, you won't be able to use GPU encoding, so as long as your CPU is powerful enough to encode your stream/recording, you'll be fine.
2023-03-05 19:55:39