Why did turkey ban pokémon?

Why did turkey ban pokémon?

Why did turkey ban pokémon?

Another was Seyda Aykanat, a seven-year-old student from Kilis on November 25. After these incidents, a report was published by the Health Ministry stating the anime has negative effects on children. Due to these cases, RTÜK ordered a ban on the anime. ATV stopped airing Pokémon on December 13, 2000.

  • 2023-11-03 23:22:15
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Is whatsapp blocked in turkey?
WhatsApp is banned in Turkey but users living in or visiting the country can still access the platform using a VPN. We reveal the best VPNs for WhatsApp in Turkey and explain how to use them to bypass the restrictions.
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How long is a ban from turkey?
What do I need to do if I want to stay longer than 90 days in Turkiye? If you wish to stay longer than 90 days in Turkiye, you must apply for a residence permit. Please visit Embassy's additional resources for US citizen's page ” Visas for Travel, Business, of Residency in Turkiye” section for more information.
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What rank is turkey?
Turkey is 95th in the overall Prosperity Index rankings.
2024-01-06 21:01:43

What games are banned in turkey?
Turkey. No games have officially been banned, but many requests and recommendations were made to ban certain bestseller games featuring violence (such as those against women) since as early as the 2000s, but none took place and the games were left untouched.
2023-02-22 18:23:09

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