Is it hard to have a baby girl?

Is it hard to have a baby girl?

Is it hard to have a baby girl?

There are lots of theories and claims made about influencing the chances of having either a boy or a girl baby, but the scientific facts are absolutely clear. The chances of having conceiving a boy or a girl are almost exactly equal for each and every pregnancy.

  • 2024-01-11 21:58:36
Show all Q/A Info

Can i kiss a japanese girl on the first date?
Japanese first dates are neutral — there are no public displays of affection and no overt physical or verbal displays of desire.
2024-02-19 19:03:07

Can alistair and the warden have a baby?
Not a chance." As far as anyone (including Alistair) knows, under normal circumstances two Grey Wardens cannot have children with each other.
2024-02-09 00:50:20

What age is a child no longer a baby?
Newborn usually refers to a baby from birth to about 2 months of age. Infants can be considered children anywhere from birth to 1 year old. Baby can be used to refer to any child from birth to age 4 years old, thus encompassing newborns, infants, and toddlers.
2024-01-12 21:30:08

Can a girl and a girl have a baby together in sims 4?
All teens and older Sims can go back into Create-A-Sim (via testingcheats or simply "Change Sim" on a mirror, dresser or closet) and customize their gender to be able to impregnate or be impregnated, so same-sex couples can have biological children.
2023-08-18 00:36:33