What race is best for hunter lotro?

What is the best hunter race in wow classic?
Best Race for Horde Hunters. Troll is the best Classic WoW Horde Hunter race for PvE, while Orc or Tauren is the best Classic WoW Horde Hunter race for PvP. Horde Hunter will unfortunately not benefit as much from their faction's unique class Shaman.
2024-02-14 13:15:52
Which race for demon hunter?
The demon hunters are only available to night elves
night elves
Terminology. Kaldorei is a Darnassian word meaning "children of the stars". It can also be interpreted as "people of the stars". It can refer to the tribe which existed before the night elves, to the night elves themseleves, and sometimes to the Highborne.
https://worldofwarcraft.fandom.com › wiki › Kaldorei
Kaldorei | World of Warcraft Wiki | Fandom
and blood elves
blood elves
Sin'dorei = Children of the blood. This can also be interpreted as "people of the bloodline".
https://wowpedia.fandom.com › wiki › Thalassian
Thalassian - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
, because they are disciples of Illidan Stormrage, who trained only members of those two races.
2024-02-01 21:16:48
What race is best for hunter dragonflight?
Dragonflight Hunter Best Race
Even though multiple races compete for the title of being the best Hunter race for the Alliance, Dwarves win the competition. Their Might of the Mountain passive boosts the damage of all critical strikes by 2%.
2024-01-03 07:51:38
What races are best for dragonflight hunter?
Dragonflight Hunter Best Race
Even though multiple races compete for the title of being the best Hunter race for the Alliance, Dwarves win the competition. Their Might of the Mountain passive boosts the damage of all critical strikes by 2%.
2023-06-19 04:25:12
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