Why is steam blocking my purchases?

Why is steam blocking my purchases?

Why is steam blocking my purchases?

Why is Steam blocking my purchases? If your previous payment method is blocked, limited, or the details are out of date, the transaction may not go through. This is especially true if you're using a payment method that doesn't match your name or nationality on Steam.

  • 2024-01-11 11:53:20
Show all Q/A Info

Can steam friends see your purchase history?
Can they see the purchases in my Steam inventory? Yes, but only if your profile is set to public. Also, you can set your inventory to be viewed by friends only or even completely private separately, even if your profile was public.
2024-02-06 23:01:45

How do i download already purchased games on steam?
Select the "All Games" tab. If you're logged into the Steam client elsewhere, the games list will reflect the installation state of your library on that machine. Next, locate your game and tap the install button to initiate your remote download.
2024-02-02 05:04:23

Can blocked steam players see your profile?
What is a useless countermeasure? Blocking blocks the viewing of your profile and direct communication. They can not view your profile, so can not see the comments, though they could still get a notification but that is it. Communication is still blocked on Steam and they still can not read your profile.
2023-04-23 19:34:01

Why are my purchases not working on steam?
My purchase attempts are failing. What can I do? If you are attempting your purchase through the Steam website, please try purchasing through the Steam application, or vice versa. Disable or completely remove any IP proxy or VPN software that you may be using, restart your computer, and test your purchase again.
2023-04-05 13:48:10