Can i connect a ps4 controller to my pc via bluetooth?

Can i use a ps4 controller for ps5?
A PlayStation 4 pad can be used on the PlayStation 5, but it can only be used in conjunction with PS4 games on the PS5. If you have a PS5 disc inserted, and you're trying to use a PS4 controller, then it simply won't work, you'll need the PS5 DualSense.
2024-02-15 20:51:19
How do i connect a wired controller to my pc?
The most straightforward way to connect your Xbox controller
Xbox controller
The Xbox controller is the primary game controller for Microsoft's Xbox home video game console and was introduced at the Game Developers Conference in 2000. The first-generation Xbox controller (nicknamed "The Duke") was the first controller bundled with Xbox systems for all territories except Japan. › wiki › Xbox_controller
Xbox controller - Wikipedia
and PC is with a micro-USB cable (for Xbox One controllers
Xbox One controllers
The Xbox Wireless Controller is the primary game controller for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S home video game consoles, also commercialized for its use in Windows-based PCs, and compatible with other operating systems such as macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. › wiki › Xbox_Wireless_Controller
Xbox Wireless Controller - Wikipedia
) or a USB-C cable (for Series X|S controllers). Simply plug the slim end into your Xbox controller and the other end into a USB port on your PC.
2024-02-07 08:55:38
How do i connect a usb controller to my pc?
If your joystick or gamepad is wired, connect the USB cable to any USB port available on the computer. If your joystick or gamepad is wireless, it should come with a USB receiver that transmits a signal to and from it. Connect that USB receiver to an available USB port on the front or back of your computer.
2023-03-16 17:24:04
Can i connect my ps4 controller to my pc by bluetooth?
While pressing and holding the SHARE button, press and hold the PS Button until the light bar flashes. Enable Bluetooth on your device, and then select the controller from the list of Bluetooth devices. When pairing is complete, the light bar blinks, and then the player indicator lights up.
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