Who wins sonic or naruto?

Who wins sonic or naruto?

Who wins sonic or naruto?

Who would win in a fight, Mecha-Naruto or Metal Sonic? Both characters are powerful but Sonic just is in a completely different level of both speed and power. Speed is not even a contest and plus his super and hyper form are just far too much for Naruto to handle.

  • 2023-07-09 02:41:04
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Who wins hyper sonic or flash?
Sonic vs. the Flash: Who Would Win? At their “top” speed, no one really wins or loses. However, canon events give us hints on how fast exactly these two can run and that the Flash just had more edge and broader source material, making him evolve and grow into a better and faster version of himself.
2023-10-07 17:21:10

Is sonic faster than naruto?
Sonic reaction speed is FTL in base form, he is far faster when accelerating in a straight line. Naruto reaction speed is FTL in 6PSM, and slower when running. Super Sonic is infinite. Sonic is faster.
2023-08-16 03:32:20

Who wins sonic or mario?
Mario's determination, strength, and willpower are unlike any human being, though, and given certain circumstances, Mario would easily beat Sonic. This is reliant on his power-ups, power of the elements, and his allies, though, while Sonic doesn't really need anything except his blinding speed.
2023-07-04 00:41:41

Who would win sonic exe or naruto?
Both characters are powerful but Sonic just is in a completely different level of both speed and power. Speed is not even a contest and plus his super and hyper form are just far too much for Naruto to handle. We've seen Sonic outrun black holes and defeat demigods and even gods.
2023-02-25 03:05:40