Can female sims wear male clothing?

Can female sims wear male clothing?

Can female sims wear male clothing?

Re: Sims clothing on both genders
You either choose your Sim to have a male or female build and at the same time you can choose for a male or female clothing preference. However you can try to create males with female body shapes and vice versa. It will give you a lot of options to choose from.

  • 2024-01-11 04:11:51
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Can two female sims have a baby in sims 4?
Same-sex couples can marry and adopt in The Sims 4, as they do in previous games, and same-sex couples can have children of their own as well. Similarly, same-sex couples may have a biological child together through the CAS (including the option to manage the household).
2024-02-19 10:16:18

Can female sims have body hair?
Body hair will be available on legs, arms, chest and back for both masculine and feminine Sims. A couple of options are coming to base game, with more available in the expansion. Not only will you be able to add body hair, but you can also toggle hair growth.
2023-12-14 07:59:02

Can two female sims have a baby sims?
If you have a lesbian couple, choose the “Get others pregnant” option for one of your Sims. Make sure their partner has the “Become Pregnant” option selected. And that's it! Your couple should now have the “Try for Baby” interaction!
2023-10-18 14:38:34

Why cant my female sims try for a baby?
Make sure one Sim can get pregnant and the other Sim can get others pregnant. Check your household size as well; you can only have eight Sims per household, and if you already have eight Sims, you can't have a baby unless someone else dies or moves out.
2023-08-10 17:05:07

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