Does deku turn evil?

Why did vergil turn evil?
Because he failed to save his mother as well as witnessed his mother getting killed during the demonic assault, the trauma caused Vergil to develop a psychopathic personality with a strong desire for power.
2024-01-05 16:59:04
Does anemone turn evil?
She is in the Silver Winglet of Jade Mountain Academy and has a crush on Tamarin. Her extensive history of spells have made her grow more cold throughout the serious, although she's not evil yet and likely never will be, due to the destruction of animus magic.
2024-01-02 23:28:14
How did zane turn evil?
Atticus confronts Zane in a Duel but Zane's new Cyber Style Reverse Deck overwhelms Atticus, eventually forcing him to give into the darkness and use his Nightshroud persona.
2023-06-02 00:09:14
Did raiden mei turn evil?
Raiden Ei was initally introduced as the central antagonist of Archon Quest's Chapter II before redeeming herself at the end of Act III, while Raiden Mei was initially introduced as a protagonist and turning into a major villain as of Chapter XVII.
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