Who is kept in arkham asylum?

How many fps is batman arkham asylum ps3?
In theory playing a disc version unpatched should run at 30fps, but this has not been confirmed. All other consoles run at 30fps.
2024-01-08 09:16:33
Why is bane dumb in arkham asylum?
He may appear as dumb because of effect of the venom that turns him into something like a bear or a gorilla in attitude but that doesn't mean he is dumb.
2024-01-04 19:39:22
Who is the main villain in arkham asylum game?
The Joker was the main antagonist in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.
2023-12-23 23:32:11
Why is arkham asylum so popular?
It's dense with history and mystery, and scattered with traces of the many infamous Batman villains who have, against their will, called the place home. Rocksteady
Rocksteady Studios Limited is a British video game developer based in London, England. The company is a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Games and the studio is best known for its work in the Batman: Arkham series. Rocksteady Studios Limited.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rocksteady_Studios
Rocksteady Studios - Wikipedia
had decades of Batman mythology to use as the basis for creating this setting, which makes it a much richer game world than most.
2023-09-15 02:53:01
Where was jason in arkham asylum?
The Joker kept Jason in a sealed-off and abandoned wing of the asylum, tied to a chair. There, with Frank Boles covering for him, Joker tortured and brainwashed the young man. As part of a psychological plan, Joker forced Jason into believing that Batman had abandoned him, and that Batman was the true villain.
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