Can we evolve mew to mewtwo?

Can we evolve mew to mewtwo?

Can we evolve mew to mewtwo?

Mewtwo is a clone of Mew, not an evolution. The answer is: NOPE. Mew cannot evolve into Mewtwo in any Pokémon game.

  • 2024-02-08 13:16:04
Show all Q/A Info

Is mewtwo and mew a legendary pokémon?
One of the first Legendary Pokémon ever introduced, Mewtwo is still one of the most popular. Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue players who explored the Pokémon Mansion on the Kanto region's Cinnabar Island will remember the intrigue surrounding scientists' plans to clone the Mythical Pokémon Mew.
2024-02-15 22:46:39

Is mew a copy of mewtwo?
Pokémon fans know that Mewtwo is a clone of Mew, its namesake and the legendary Pokémon succeeding it in the Pokédex.
2024-02-07 13:32:58

Did kyogre evolve from mew?
Evolution. Kyogre does not evolve.
2023-09-26 20:08:08

Why cant you evolve a mew?
Mew is a legendary Pokemon, legendaries cannot be evolved or breed, as in the world of Pokemon they're considered one of a kind.
2023-05-22 06:05:04