Is joker taller than harley?

Is joker taller than harley?

Is joker taller than harley?

The figures are between 2 3/4 and 2 7/8 inches tall (with Harley
Harley Quinn is a character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Quinn was created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm as a comic relief henchwoman for the supervillain the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series, and debuted in its 22nd episode, "Joker's Favor", on September 11, 1992. › wiki › Harley_Quinn
Harley Quinn - Wikipedia
actually being taller than the Joker for some reason).

  • 2024-02-08 21:03:59
Show all Q/A Info

Why did joker and harley break up?
Harley realizes that the Joker never truly cared about her and that she had been living her life for him, not for herself. She decides to take control of her life and break free from the Joker's influence.
2024-02-18 20:24:24

Does joker get harley pregnant?
In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Harley Quinn reveals she gave birth to Joker's daughter, but gave her up for adoption rather than subject her to a life with Joker as a father. Similarly, Harley becomes a mother to twin children in the Batman: White Knight universe, though with happier results.
2024-01-15 12:59:38

Did joker get harley pregnant?
In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Harley Quinn reveals she gave birth to Joker's daughter, but gave her up for adoption rather than subject her to a life with Joker as a father.
2024-01-03 10:39:40

Can joker beat harley quinn?
Harley is much better than she used to be, but so is the Joker. His unpredictability and willingness to do anything to win will give him an advantage she can't overcome. He'll take advantage of her trauma, brutalize her, and finish her off with one of his patented Joker toxins.
2023-07-25 06:05:26

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